Source code for gpflow.covariances.multioutput.kufs

# Copyright 2017-2020 The GPflow Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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from typing import Callable, Union

import tensorflow as tf
from check_shapes import check_shapes

from ...base import TensorType
from ...inducing_variables import (
from ...kernels import (
from ..dispatch import Kuf

[docs]@Kuf.register(InducingPoints, MultioutputKernel, object) @check_shapes( "inducing_variable: [M, D, 1]", "Xnew: [batch..., N, D]", "return: [M, P, batch..., N, P]", ) def Kuf_generic( inducing_variable: InducingPoints, kernel: MultioutputKernel, Xnew: TensorType ) -> tf.Tensor: return kernel(inducing_variable.Z, Xnew, full_cov=True, full_output_cov=True)
[docs]@Kuf.register(SharedIndependentInducingVariables, SharedIndependent, object) @check_shapes( "inducing_variable: [M, D, P]", "Xnew: [batch..., N, D]", "return: [M, batch..., N]", ) def Kuf_shared_shared( inducing_variable: SharedIndependentInducingVariables, kernel: SharedIndependent, Xnew: tf.Tensor, ) -> tf.Tensor: return Kuf(inducing_variable.inducing_variable, kernel.kernel, Xnew)
[docs]@Kuf.register(SeparateIndependentInducingVariables, SharedIndependent, object) @check_shapes( "inducing_variable: [M, D, P]", "Xnew: [batch..., N, D]", "return: [L, M, batch..., N]", ) def Kuf_separate_shared( inducing_variable: SeparateIndependentInducingVariables, kernel: SharedIndependent, Xnew: TensorType, ) -> tf.Tensor: return tf.stack( [Kuf(f, kernel.kernel, Xnew) for f in inducing_variable.inducing_variable_list], axis=0 )
[docs]@Kuf.register(SharedIndependentInducingVariables, SeparateIndependent, object) @check_shapes( "inducing_variable: [M, D, P]", "Xnew: [batch..., N, D]", "return: [L, M, batch..., N]", ) def Kuf_shared_separate( inducing_variable: SharedIndependentInducingVariables, kernel: SeparateIndependent, Xnew: TensorType, ) -> tf.Tensor: return tf.stack( [Kuf(inducing_variable.inducing_variable, k, Xnew) for k in kernel.kernels], axis=0 )
[docs]@Kuf.register(SeparateIndependentInducingVariables, SeparateIndependent, object) @check_shapes( "inducing_variable: [M, D, P]", "Xnew: [batch..., N, D]", "return: [L, M, batch..., N]", ) def Kuf_separate_separate( inducing_variable: SeparateIndependentInducingVariables, kernel: SeparateIndependent, Xnew: TensorType, ) -> tf.Tensor: n_iv = len(inducing_variable.inducing_variable_list) n_k = len(kernel.kernels) assert ( n_iv == n_k ), f"Must have same number of inducing variables and kernels. Found {n_iv} and {n_k}." Kufs = [ Kuf(f, k, Xnew) for f, k in zip(inducing_variable.inducing_variable_list, kernel.kernels) ] return tf.stack(Kufs, axis=0)
@check_shapes( "inducing_variable: [M, D, L]", "Xnew: [batch..., N, D]", "return: [M, L, batch..., N, P]", ) def _fallback_Kuf( kuf_impl: Callable[ [ Union[SeparateIndependentInducingVariables, SharedIndependentInducingVariables], LinearCoregionalization, TensorType, ], tf.Tensor, ], inducing_variable: Union[ SeparateIndependentInducingVariables, SharedIndependentInducingVariables ], kernel: LinearCoregionalization, Xnew: TensorType, ) -> tf.Tensor: K = tf.transpose(kuf_impl(inducing_variable, kernel, Xnew), [1, 0, 2]) return K[:, :, :, None] * tf.transpose(kernel.W)[None, :, None, :]
[docs]@Kuf.register( FallbackSeparateIndependentInducingVariables, LinearCoregionalization, object, ) @check_shapes( "inducing_variable: [M, D, L]", "kernel.W: [P, L]", "Xnew: [batch..., N, D]", "return: [M, L, batch..., N, P]", ) def Kuf_fallback_separate_linear_coregionalization( inducing_variable: FallbackSeparateIndependentInducingVariables, kernel: LinearCoregionalization, Xnew: TensorType, ) -> tf.Tensor: kuf_impl = Kuf.dispatch_or_raise( SeparateIndependentInducingVariables, SeparateIndependent, object ) return _fallback_Kuf(kuf_impl, inducing_variable, kernel, Xnew)
[docs]@Kuf.register( FallbackSharedIndependentInducingVariables, LinearCoregionalization, object, ) @check_shapes( "inducing_variable: [M, D, P]", "kernel.W: [P, L]", "Xnew: [batch..., N, D]", "return: [M, L, batch..., N, P]", ) def Kuf_fallback_shared_linear_coregionalization( inducing_variable: FallbackSharedIndependentInducingVariables, kernel: LinearCoregionalization, Xnew: TensorType, ) -> tf.Tensor: kuf_impl = Kuf.dispatch_or_raise( SharedIndependentInducingVariables, SeparateIndependent, object ) return _fallback_Kuf(kuf_impl, inducing_variable, kernel, Xnew)
[docs]@Kuf.register(SharedIndependentInducingVariables, LinearCoregionalization, object) @check_shapes( "inducing_variable: [M, D, L]", "kernel.W: [P, L]", "Xnew: [batch..., N, D]", "return: [L, M, batch..., N]", ) def Kuf_shared_linear_coregionalization( inducing_variable: SharedIndependentInducingVariables, kernel: LinearCoregionalization, Xnew: TensorType, ) -> tf.Tensor: return tf.stack( [Kuf(inducing_variable.inducing_variable, k, Xnew) for k in kernel.kernels], axis=0 )
[docs]@Kuf.register(SeparateIndependentInducingVariables, LinearCoregionalization, object) @check_shapes( "inducing_variable: [M, D, L]", "kernel.W: [P, L]", "Xnew: [batch..., N, D]", "return: [L, M, batch..., N]", ) def Kuf_separate_linear_coregionalization( inducing_variable: SeparateIndependentInducingVariables, kernel: LinearCoregionalization, Xnew: TensorType, ) -> tf.Tensor: n_iv = len(inducing_variable.inducing_variable_list) n_k = len(kernel.kernels) assert ( n_iv == n_k ), f"Must have same number of inducing variables and kernels. Found {n_iv} and {n_k}." return tf.stack( [Kuf(f, k, Xnew) for f, k in zip(inducing_variable.inducing_variable_list, kernel.kernels)], axis=0, )