Source code for gpflow.kernels.periodic

# Copyright 2017-2020 The GPflow Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from check_shapes import check_shapes, inherit_check_shapes

from ..base import Parameter, TensorType
from ..utilities import positive
from ..utilities.ops import difference_matrix
from .base import ActiveDims, Kernel, NormalizedActiveDims
from .stationaries import IsotropicStationary

[docs]class Periodic(Kernel): """ The periodic family of kernels. Can be used to wrap any Stationary kernel to transform it into a periodic version. The canonical form (based on the SquaredExponential kernel) can be found in Equation (47) of D.J.C.MacKay. Introduction to Gaussian processes. In C.M.Bishop, editor, Neural Networks and Machine Learning, pages 133--165. Springer, 1998. The derivation can be achieved by mapping the original inputs through the transformation u = (cos(x), sin(x)). For the SquaredExponential base kernel, the result can be expressed as: k(r) = σ² exp{ -0.5 sin²(π r / γ) / ℓ²} where: r is the Euclidean distance between the input points ℓ is the lengthscales parameter, σ² is the variance parameter, γ is the period parameter. NOTE: usually we have a factor of 4 instead of 0.5 in front but this is absorbed into the lengthscales hyperparameter. NOTE: periodic kernel uses `active_dims` of a base kernel, therefore the constructor doesn't have it as an argument. """ @check_shapes( "period: [broadcast n_active_dims]", ) def __init__(self, base_kernel: IsotropicStationary, period: TensorType = 1.0) -> None: """ :param base_kernel: the base kernel to make periodic; must inherit from Stationary Note that `active_dims` should be specified in the base kernel. :param period: the period; to induce a different period per active dimension this must be initialized with an array the same length as the number of active dimensions e.g. [1., 1., 1.] """ if not isinstance(base_kernel, IsotropicStationary): raise TypeError("Periodic requires an IsotropicStationary kernel as the `base_kernel`") super().__init__() self.base_kernel = base_kernel self.period = Parameter(period, transform=positive()) self.base_kernel._validate_ard_active_dims(self.period) @property def active_dims(self) -> NormalizedActiveDims: return self.base_kernel.active_dims @active_dims.setter def active_dims(self, value: ActiveDims) -> None: # type-ignore below is because mypy doesn't understand that getter and the setter of # `active_dims` have different types. self.base_kernel.active_dims = value # type: ignore[assignment] @inherit_check_shapes def K_diag(self, X: TensorType) -> tf.Tensor: return self.base_kernel.K_diag(X) @inherit_check_shapes def K(self, X: TensorType, X2: Optional[TensorType] = None) -> tf.Tensor: r = np.pi * (difference_matrix(X, X2)) / self.period scaled_sine = tf.sin(r) / self.base_kernel.lengthscales if hasattr(self.base_kernel, "K_r"): sine_r = tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(scaled_sine), -1) K = self.base_kernel.K_r(sine_r) else: sine_r2 = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(scaled_sine), -1) K = self.base_kernel.K_r2(sine_r2) return K