Source code for gpflow.optimizers.scipy

# Copyright 2017-2020 The GPflow Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import (

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
import tensorflow as tf
from scipy.optimize import OptimizeResult

from ..base import AnyNDArray
from ..monitor.base import Monitor

__all__ = ["Scipy"]

Variables = Iterable[tf.Variable]  # deprecated
StepCallback = Union[Callable[[int, Sequence[tf.Variable], Sequence[tf.Tensor]], None], Monitor]
LossClosure = Callable[[], tf.Tensor]

[docs]class Scipy: def __init__(self, compile_cache_size: int = 2) -> None: """ Wrapper around the scipy optimizer. :param compile_cache_size: The number of compiled evalutation functions to cache for calls to `minimize`. Only applies when `compile` argument to `minimize` is True. The compiled evaluation functions are cached so that subsequent calls to `minimize` with the same `closure`, `variables`, `allow_unused_variables`, and `tf_fun_args` will reuse a previously compiled function. Up to `compile_cache_size` most recent functions are cached. This can be disabled by setting `compile_cache_size` to 0. """ self.compile_cache: OrderedDict[ Tuple[Callable[[], Any], Tuple[int, ...], FrozenSet[Tuple[str, Any]], bool], tf.function, ] = OrderedDict() if compile_cache_size < 0: raise ValueError( "The 'compile_cache_size' argument must be non-negative, got {}.".format( compile_cache_size ) ) self.compile_cache_size = compile_cache_size
[docs] def minimize( self, closure: LossClosure, variables: Sequence[tf.Variable], method: Optional[str] = "L-BFGS-B", step_callback: Optional[StepCallback] = None, compile: bool = True, allow_unused_variables: bool = False, tf_fun_args: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, track_loss_history: bool = False, **scipy_kwargs: Any, ) -> OptimizeResult: """ Minimize `closure`. Minimize is a wrapper around the `scipy.optimize.minimize` function handling the packing and unpacking of a list of shaped variables on the TensorFlow side vs. the flat numpy array required on the Scipy side. :param closure: A closure that re-evaluates the model, returning the loss to be minimized. :param variables: The list (tuple) of variables to be optimized (typically `model.trainable_variables`) :param method: The type of solver to use in SciPy. Defaults to "L-BFGS-B". :param step_callback: If not None, a callable that gets called once after each optimisation step. The callable is passed the arguments `step`, `variables`, and `values`. `step` is the optimisation step counter, `variables` is the list of trainable variables as above, and `values` is the corresponding list of tensors of matching shape that contains their value at this optimisation step. :param compile: If True, wraps the evaluation function (the passed `closure` as well as its gradient computation) inside a `tf.function()`, which will improve optimization speed in most cases. :param allow_unused_variables: Whether to allow variables that are not actually used in the closure. :param tf_fun_args: Arguments passed through to `tf.function()` when `compile` is True. For example, to enable XLA compilation:: opt = gpflow.optimizers.Scipy() opt.minimize(..., compile=True, tf_fun_args=dict(jit_compile=True)) :param track_loss_history: Whether to track the training loss history and return it in the optimization result. :param scipy_kwargs: Arguments passed through to `scipy.optimize.minimize`. Note that Scipy's minimize() takes a `callback` argument, but you probably want to use our wrapper and pass in `step_callback`. :returns: The optimization result represented as a Scipy ``OptimizeResult`` object. See the Scipy documentation for description of attributes. """ if tf_fun_args is None: tf_fun_args = {} if not callable(closure): raise TypeError( "The 'closure' argument is expected to be a callable object." ) # pragma: no cover variables = tuple(variables) if not all(isinstance(v, tf.Variable) for v in variables): raise TypeError( "The 'variables' argument is expected to only contain tf.Variable instances" " (use model.trainable_variables, not model.trainable_parameters)" ) # pragma: no cover if not compile and len(tf_fun_args) > 0: raise ValueError("`tf_fun_args` should only be set when `compile` is True") initial_params = self.initial_parameters(variables) func = self.eval_func( closure, variables, compile=compile, allow_unused_variables=allow_unused_variables, tf_fun_args=tf_fun_args, ) if step_callback is not None: if "callback" in scipy_kwargs: raise ValueError("Callback passed both via `step_callback` and `callback`") callback = self.callback_func(variables, step_callback) scipy_kwargs["callback"] = callback history: List[AnyNDArray] = [] if track_loss_history: callback = self.loss_history_callback_func(func, history, scipy_kwargs.get("callback")) scipy_kwargs["callback"] = callback opt_result = scipy.optimize.minimize( func, initial_params, jac=True, method=method, **scipy_kwargs ) if track_loss_history: opt_result["loss_history"] = history values = self.unpack_tensors(variables, opt_result.x) self.assign_tensors(variables, values) return opt_result
@classmethod def initial_parameters(cls, variables: Sequence[tf.Variable]) -> tf.Tensor: return cls.pack_tensors(variables) def eval_func( self, closure: LossClosure, variables: Sequence[tf.Variable], tf_fun_args: Mapping[str, Any], compile: bool = True, allow_unused_variables: bool = False, ) -> Callable[[AnyNDArray], Tuple[AnyNDArray, AnyNDArray]]: first_call = True def _tf_eval(x: tf.Tensor) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: nonlocal first_call values = self.unpack_tensors(variables, x) self.assign_tensors(variables, values) if first_call: # Only check for unconnected gradients on the first function evaluation. loss, grads = _compute_loss_and_gradients( closure, variables, tf.UnconnectedGradients.NONE ) grads = self._filter_unused_variables(variables, grads, allow_unused_variables) first_call = False else: loss, grads = _compute_loss_and_gradients( closure, variables, tf.UnconnectedGradients.ZERO ) return loss, self.pack_tensors(grads) if compile: # Re-use the same tf.function graph for calls to minimize, as long as the arguments # affecting the graph are the same. This can boost performance of use cases where # minimize is called repeatedly with the same model loss. key = ( closure, tuple(id(v) for v in variables), frozenset(tf_fun_args.items()), allow_unused_variables, ) if self.compile_cache_size > 0: if key not in self.compile_cache: if len(self.compile_cache) >= self.compile_cache_size: self.compile_cache.popitem(last=False) # Remove the oldest entry. self.compile_cache[key] = tf.function(_tf_eval, **tf_fun_args) _tf_eval = self.compile_cache[key] else: _tf_eval = tf.function(_tf_eval, **tf_fun_args) def _eval(x: AnyNDArray) -> Tuple[AnyNDArray, AnyNDArray]: loss, grad = _tf_eval(tf.convert_to_tensor(x)) return loss.numpy().astype(np.float64), grad.numpy().astype(np.float64) return _eval @staticmethod def _filter_unused_variables( variables: Sequence[tf.Variable], grads: Sequence[tf.Tensor], allow_unused_variables: bool ) -> Sequence[tf.Tensor]: filtered_grads = [] unused_variables = [] for i, grad in enumerate(grads): if grad is None: variable = variables[i] filtered_grads.append(tf.zeros_like(variable)) unused_variables.append( else: filtered_grads.append(grad) if unused_variables: msg = ( "Some variables does not have a gradient, and appear unused in / not connected to" f" the loss closure: {unused_variables}." ) if allow_unused_variables: warnings.warn(msg) else: raise ValueError(msg) return filtered_grads @classmethod def callback_func( cls, variables: Sequence[tf.Variable], step_callback: StepCallback ) -> Callable[[AnyNDArray], None]: # Convert a step_callback function to a Scipy callback function step: int = 0 def _callback(x: AnyNDArray) -> None: nonlocal step if isinstance(step_callback, Monitor): step_callback(step) else: values = cls.unpack_tensors(variables, x) step_callback(step, variables, values) step += 1 return _callback @classmethod def loss_history_callback_func( cls, minimize_func: Callable[[AnyNDArray], Tuple[AnyNDArray, AnyNDArray]], history: List[AnyNDArray], callback: Optional[Callable[[AnyNDArray], None]] = None, ) -> Callable[[AnyNDArray], None]: # Return a Scipy callback function that tracks loss history, optionally combined # with another callback. def _callback(x: AnyNDArray) -> None: if callback is not None: callback(x) history.append(minimize_func(x)[0]) return _callback @staticmethod def pack_tensors(tensors: Sequence[Union[tf.Tensor, tf.Variable]]) -> tf.Tensor: flats = [tf.reshape(tensor, (-1,)) for tensor in tensors] tensors_vector = tf.concat(flats, axis=0) return tensors_vector @staticmethod def unpack_tensors( to_tensors: Sequence[Union[tf.Tensor, tf.Variable]], from_vector: tf.Tensor ) -> List[tf.Tensor]: s = 0 values = [] for target_tensor in to_tensors: shape = tf.shape(target_tensor) dtype = target_tensor.dtype tensor_size = tf.reduce_prod(shape) tensor_vector = from_vector[s : s + tensor_size] tensor = tf.reshape(tf.cast(tensor_vector, dtype), shape) values.append(tensor) s += tensor_size return values @staticmethod def assign_tensors(to_tensors: Sequence[tf.Variable], values: Sequence[tf.Tensor]) -> None: if len(to_tensors) != len(values): raise ValueError("to_tensors and values should have same length") for target, value in zip(to_tensors, values): target.assign(value)
def _compute_loss_and_gradients( loss_closure: LossClosure, variables: Sequence[tf.Variable], unconnected_gradients: tf.UnconnectedGradients, ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, Sequence[tf.Tensor]]: with tf.GradientTape(watch_accessed_variables=False) as tape: loss = loss_closure() grads = tape.gradient(loss, variables, unconnected_gradients=unconnected_gradients) return loss, grads