Source code for gpflow.quadrature.gauss_hermite

# Copyright 2020 The GPflow Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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from typing import Sequence, Tuple

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from check_shapes import check_shapes, inherit_check_shapes

from ..base import TensorType
from ..config import default_float
from .base import GaussianQuadrature

[docs]@check_shapes( "return[0]: [N]", "return[1]: [N]", ) def gh_points_and_weights(n_gh: int) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: r""" Given the number of Gauss-Hermite points n_gh, returns the points z and the weights dz to perform the following uni-dimensional gaussian quadrature: X ~ N(mean, stddev²) E[f(X)] = ∫ f(x) p(x) dx = \sum_{i=1}^{n_gh} f(mean + stddev*z_i) dz_i :param n_gh: Number of Gauss-Hermite points :returns: Points z and weights dz to compute uni-dimensional gaussian expectation """ z, dz = np.polynomial.hermite.hermgauss(n_gh) z = z * np.sqrt(2) dz = dz / np.sqrt(np.pi) z, dz = z.astype(default_float()), dz.astype(default_float()) return tf.convert_to_tensor(z), tf.convert_to_tensor(dz)
[docs]@check_shapes( "xs[all]: [.]", "return: [N_product, D]", ) def list_to_flat_grid(xs: Sequence[TensorType]) -> tf.Tensor: """ :param xs: List with d rank-1 Tensors, with shapes N1, N2, ..., Nd :return: Tensor with shape [N1*N2*...*Nd, d] representing the flattened d-dimensional grid built from the input tensors xs """ return tf.reshape(tf.stack(tf.meshgrid(*xs), axis=-1), (-1, len(xs)))
[docs]@check_shapes( "zs[all]: [.]", "dzs[all]: [.]", "return[0]: [N_product, D]", "return[1]: [N_product, 1]", ) def reshape_Z_dZ( zs: Sequence[TensorType], dzs: Sequence[TensorType] ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """ :param zs: List with d rank-1 Tensors, with shapes N1, N2, ..., Nd :param dzs: List with d rank-1 Tensors, with shapes N1, N2, ..., Nd :returns: points Z, Tensor with shape [N1*N2*...*Nd, D], and weights dZ, Tensor with shape [N1*N2*...*Nd, 1] """ Z = list_to_flat_grid(zs) dZ = tf.reduce_prod(list_to_flat_grid(dzs), axis=-1, keepdims=True) return Z, dZ
[docs]@check_shapes( "x: [batch...]", "return: [n, batch...]", ) def repeat_as_list(x: TensorType, n: int) -> Sequence[tf.Tensor]: """ :param x: Array/Tensor to be repeated :param n: Integer with the number of repetitions :return: List of n repetitions of Tensor x """ return [x for _ in range(n)]
[docs]@check_shapes( "return[0]: [n_quad_points, D]", "return[1]: [n_quad_points, 1]", ) def ndgh_points_and_weights(dim: int, n_gh: int) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: r""" :param dim: dimension of the multivariate normal :param n_gh: number of Gauss-Hermite points per dimension :returns: points Z, Tensor with shape [n_gh**dim, D], and weights dZ, Tensor with shape [n_gh**dim, 1] """ z, dz = gh_points_and_weights(n_gh) zs = repeat_as_list(z, dim) dzs = repeat_as_list(dz, dim) return reshape_Z_dZ(zs, dzs)
[docs]class NDiagGHQuadrature(GaussianQuadrature): def __init__(self, dim: int, n_gh: int) -> None: """ :param dim: dimension of the multivariate normal :param n_gh: number of Gauss-Hermite points per dimension """ self.dim = dim self.n_gh = n_gh self.n_gh_total = n_gh ** dim Z, dZ = ndgh_points_and_weights(self.dim, self.n_gh) self.Z = tf.ensure_shape(Z, (self.n_gh_total, self.dim)) self.dZ = tf.ensure_shape(dZ, (self.n_gh_total, 1)) @inherit_check_shapes def _build_X_W(self, mean: TensorType, var: TensorType) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: """ :param mean: Array/Tensor with shape [b1, b2, ..., bX, dim], usually [N, dim], representing the mean of a dim-Variate Gaussian distribution :param var: Array/Tensor with shape b1, b2, ..., bX, dim], usually [N, dim], representing the variance of a dim-Variate Gaussian distribution :return: points X, Tensor with shape [n_gh_total, b1, b2, ..., bX, dim], usually [n_gh_total, N, dim], and weights W, a Tensor with shape [n_gh_total, b1, b2, ..., bX, 1], usually [n_gh_total, N, 1] """ batch_shape_broadcast = tf.ones(tf.rank(mean) - 1, dtype=tf.int32) shape_aux = tf.concat([[self.n_gh_total], batch_shape_broadcast], axis=0) # mean, var: [b1, b2, ..., bX, dim], usually [N, dim] mean = tf.expand_dims(mean, 0) stddev = tf.expand_dims(tf.sqrt(var), 0) # mean, stddev: [1, b1, b2, ..., bX, dim], usually [1, N, dim] Z = tf.cast(tf.reshape(self.Z, tf.concat([shape_aux, [self.dim]], axis=0)), mean.dtype) dZ = tf.cast(tf.reshape(self.dZ, tf.concat([shape_aux, [1]], axis=0)), mean.dtype) X = mean + stddev * Z W = dZ # X: [n_gh_total, b1, b2, ..., bX, dim], usually [n_gh_total, N, dim] # W: [n_gh_total, 1, 1, ..., 1, 1], usually [n_gh_total, N, 1] return X, W