Source code for gpflow.experimental.check_shapes.shapes

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Code for extracting shapes from object.
import inspect
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Sequence, Tuple, Type

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp

from .base_types import Shape
from .error_contexts import ErrorContext, IndexContext, ObjectTypeContext, StackContext
from .exceptions import NoShapeError

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    # Avoid cyclic imports:
    from ...base import AnyNDArray
    AnyNDArray = Any
GetShape = Callable[[Any, ErrorContext], Shape]

_GET_SHAPES: Dict[Type[Any], GetShape] = {}

[docs]def register_get_shape(shape_type: Type[Any]) -> Callable[[GetShape], GetShape]: """ Register a function for extracting the shape from a given type of objects. Example: .. literalinclude:: /examples/ :start-after: [custom_type] :end-before: [custom_type] :dedent: See also :func:`get_shape`. :param shape_type: Type of objects to extract shapes from. """ # Yes, what's happening here looks extremely much like `functools.singledispatch`; # however we cannot actually use `functools.singledispatch`, because it uses a for/else # statement, which TensorFlow doesn't know how to compile... def _register(getter: GetShape) -> GetShape: _GET_SHAPES[shape_type] = getter return getter return _register
[docs]def get_shape(shaped: Any, context: ErrorContext) -> Shape: """ Returns the shape of the given object. See also :func:`register_get_shape`. :param shaped: The objects whose shape to extract. :param context: Context we are getting the shape in, for improved error messages. :returns: The shape of ``shaped``, or ``None`` if the shape exists, but is unknown. :raises NoShapeError: If objects of this type does not have shapes. """ for t in inspect.getmro(shaped.__class__): getter = _GET_SHAPES.get(t) if getter is not None: return getter(shaped, context) raise NoShapeError(StackContext(context, ObjectTypeContext(shaped)))
[docs]@register_get_shape(bool) @register_get_shape(int) @register_get_shape(float) @register_get_shape(str) def get_scalar_shape(shaped: Any, context: ErrorContext) -> Shape: return ()
[docs]@register_get_shape(list) @register_get_shape(tuple) def get_sequence_shape(shaped: Sequence[Any], context: ErrorContext) -> Shape: if len(shaped) == 0: # If the sequence doesn't have any elements we cannot use the first element to determine the # shape, and the shape is unknown. return None child_shape = get_shape(shaped[0], StackContext(context, IndexContext(0))) if child_shape is None: return None return (len(shaped),) + child_shape
[docs]@register_get_shape(np.ndarray) def get_ndarray_shape(shaped: AnyNDArray, context: ErrorContext) -> Shape: result: Tuple[int, ...] = shaped.shape return result
[docs]@register_get_shape(tf.Tensor) @register_get_shape(tf.Variable) @register_get_shape(tfp.util.DeferredTensor) def get_tensorflow_shape(shaped: Any, context: ErrorContext) -> Shape: shape = shaped.shape if not shape: return None return tuple(shape)
[docs]@register_get_shape(tfp.python.layers.internal.distribution_tensor_coercible._TensorCoercible) def get_tensor_coercible_shape(shaped: Any, context: ErrorContext) -> Shape: # This one is unpleasant. Sometimes the `shape` is a `TensorShape`, but sometimes it's a # function that returns a `TensorShape`. The version of TensorFlow probability seems to have # something to do with it, but it also seems to be more complicated... shape = shaped.shape if not shape: return None if not isinstance(shape, tf.TensorShape): shape = shape() if not shape: return None return tuple(shape)