Source code for gpflow.experimental.check_shapes.decorator

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Decorator for checking the shapes of function using tf Tensors.
import inspect
from functools import update_wrapper
from typing import Any, Callable, Sequence, cast

import tensorflow as tf

from ..utils import experimental
from .accessors import set_check_shapes
from .argument_ref import RESULT_TOKEN
from .base_types import C
from .checker import ShapeChecker
from .checker_context import set_shape_checker
from .config import get_enable_check_shapes
from .error_contexts import (
from .parser import parse_and_rewrite_docstring, parse_function_spec
from .specs import ParsedArgumentSpec

[docs]def null_check_shapes(func: C) -> C: """ Annotates the given function so that it looks like it has shape checks, but without actually checking anything. This is necessary not to break ``@inherit_check_shapes`` when shape checking is disabled. """ set_check_shapes(func, null_check_shapes) return func
[docs]@experimental def check_shapes(*specs: str) -> Callable[[C], C]: """ Decorator that checks the shapes of tensor arguments. Example: .. literalinclude:: /examples/ :start-after: [basic] :end-before: [basic] :dedent: :param specs: Specification of arguments to check. See: `Check specification`_. """ if not get_enable_check_shapes(): return null_check_shapes unbound_error_context = FunctionCallContext(check_shapes) func_spec = parse_function_spec(specs, unbound_error_context) pre_specs = [spec for spec in func_spec.arguments if not spec.argument_ref.is_result] post_specs = [spec for spec in func_spec.arguments if spec.argument_ref.is_result] note_specs = func_spec.notes def _check_shapes(func: C) -> C: bound_error_context = FunctionDefinitionContext(func) signature = inspect.signature(func) def wrapped(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: if not get_enable_check_shapes(): return func(*args, **kwargs) try: bound_arguments = signature.bind(*args, **kwargs) except TypeError as e: # TypeError is raised if *args and **kwargs don't actually match the arguments of # `func`. In that case we just call `func` normally, which will also result in an # error, but an error with the error message the user is used to. func(*args, **kwargs) raise AssertionError( "The above line should fail so this line should never be reached." ) from e bound_arguments.apply_defaults() arg_map = bound_arguments.arguments checker = ShapeChecker() for note_spec in note_specs: checker.add_context(StackContext(bound_error_context, NoteContext(note_spec))) def _check_specs(specs: Sequence[ParsedArgumentSpec]) -> None: processed_specs = [] for arg_spec in specs: for arg_value, relative_arg_context in arg_spec.argument_ref.get( arg_map, bound_error_context ): arg_context = StackContext(bound_error_context, relative_arg_context) if arg_spec.condition is not None: condition, condition_context = arg_spec.condition.get( arg_map, StackContext(arg_context, ConditionContext(arg_spec.condition)), ) if not condition: continue arg_context = StackContext( bound_error_context, ParallelContext( ( StackContext( relative_arg_context, StackContext( ConditionContext(arg_spec.condition), condition_context, ), ), ) ), ) processed_specs.append((arg_value, arg_spec.tensor, arg_context)) checker.check_shapes(processed_specs) _check_specs(pre_specs) with set_shape_checker(checker): result = func(*args, **kwargs) arg_map[RESULT_TOKEN] = result _check_specs(post_specs) return result # Make TensorFlow understand our decoration: tf.compat.v1.flags.tf_decorator.make_decorator(func, wrapped) update_wrapper(wrapped, func) set_check_shapes(wrapped, _check_shapes) wrapped.__doc__ = parse_and_rewrite_docstring(func.__doc__, func_spec, bound_error_context) return cast(C, wrapped) return _check_shapes