Source code for gpflow.experimental.check_shapes.checker_context

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Utilities for accessing the ShapeChecker from a wrapping `check_shapes` decorator.
from contextlib import contextmanager
from contextvars import ContextVar
from typing import Iterator, Optional

from .checker import S, ShapeChecker, TensorSpecLike
from .config import get_enable_check_shapes
from .error_contexts import ErrorContext, FunctionCallContext

_shape_checker: ContextVar[ShapeChecker] = ContextVar("_shape_checker")

[docs]@contextmanager def set_shape_checker(checker: ShapeChecker) -> Iterator[None]: """ Sets the current shape checker in the context. """ token = _shape_checker.set(checker) try: yield finally: _shape_checker.reset(token)
[docs]def get_shape_checker() -> ShapeChecker: """ Get the :class:`ShapeChecker` from the wrapping :func:`check_shapes` decorator. Behaviour is undefined if you call this from a function that is not directly wrapped in :func:`check_shapes` or :func:`inherit_check_shapes`. """ return _shape_checker.get()
[docs]def check_shape( shaped: S, tensor_spec: TensorSpecLike, context: Optional[ErrorContext] = None ) -> S: """ Raise an error if a tensor has the wrong shape. This uses the :class:`ShapeChecker` from the wrapping :func:`check_shapes` decorator. Behaviour is undefined if you call this from a function that is not directly wrapped in :func:`check_shapes` or :func:`inherit_check_shapes`. Example: .. literalinclude:: /examples/ :start-after: [intermediate_results] :end-before: [intermediate_results] :dedent: :param shaped: The object whose shape to check. :param tensor_spec: Specification to check the tensor against. See: `Shape specification`_. :param context: Information about where ``shaped`` is coming from, for improved error messages. :returns: ``shaped``, for convenience. """ if not get_enable_check_shapes(): return shaped if context is None: context = FunctionCallContext(check_shape).precompute() return get_shape_checker().check_shape(shaped, tensor_spec, context)