Source code for gpflow.experimental.check_shapes.config

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Code for configuring check_shapes."
from contextlib import contextmanager
from enum import Enum
from typing import Iterator, Union

import tensorflow as tf

[docs]class ShapeCheckingState(Enum): """ Different states of whether to actually check shapes. """ ENABLED = "enabled" """ Always check shapes. """ EAGER_MODE_ONLY = "eager_mode_only" """ Only check shapes if `tf.inside_function()` is `False`. """ DISABLED = "disabled" """ Never check shapes. """ def __bool__(self) -> bool: """ Return whether we currently should check shapes. """ if self is ShapeCheckingState.ENABLED: return True elif self is ShapeCheckingState.EAGER_MODE_ONLY: # pylint: disable=no-member return not tf.inside_function() else: assert self is ShapeCheckingState.DISABLED, self return False
_enabled = ShapeCheckingState.EAGER_MODE_ONLY
[docs]class DocstringFormat(Enum): """ Enumeration of supported formats of docstrings. """ SPHINX = "sphinx" """ Rewrite docstrings in the `Sphinx <>`_ format. """ NONE = "none" """ Do not rewrite docstrings. """
_docstring_format = DocstringFormat.SPHINX _function_call_precompute_enabled = False
[docs]def set_enable_check_shapes(enabled: Union[ShapeCheckingState, str, bool]) -> None: """ Set whether to enable :mod:`check_shapes`. Check shapes has a non-zero impact on performance. If this is unacceptable to you, you can use this function to disable it. Example: .. literalinclude:: /examples/ :start-after: [disable__manual] :end-before: [disable__manual] :dedent: See also :func:`disable_check_shapes`. """ global _enabled if enabled == True: # pylint: disable=singleton-comparison _enabled = ShapeCheckingState.ENABLED elif enabled == False: # pylint: disable=singleton-comparison _enabled = ShapeCheckingState.DISABLED elif isinstance(enabled, str): _enabled = ShapeCheckingState(enabled) else: assert isinstance(enabled, ShapeCheckingState), type(ShapeCheckingState) _enabled = enabled
[docs]def get_enable_check_shapes() -> ShapeCheckingState: """ Get whether to enable :mod:`check_shapes`. """ return _enabled
[docs]@contextmanager def disable_check_shapes() -> Iterator[None]: """ Context manager that temporarily disables shape checking. Example: .. literalinclude:: /examples/ :start-after: [disable__context_manager] :end-before: [disable__context_manager] :dedent: """ old_value = get_enable_check_shapes() set_enable_check_shapes(ShapeCheckingState.DISABLED) try: yield finally: set_enable_check_shapes(old_value)
[docs]def set_rewrite_docstrings(docstring_format: Union[DocstringFormat, str, None]) -> None: """ Set how :mod:`check_shapes` should rewrite docstrings. See :class:`DocstringFormat` for valid choices. """ global _docstring_format if docstring_format is None: _docstring_format = DocstringFormat.NONE elif isinstance(docstring_format, str): _docstring_format = DocstringFormat(docstring_format) else: assert isinstance(docstring_format, DocstringFormat), type(docstring_format) _docstring_format = docstring_format
[docs]def get_rewrite_docstrings() -> DocstringFormat: """ Get how :mod:`check_shapes` should rewrite docstrings. """ return _docstring_format
[docs]def set_enable_function_call_precompute(enabled: bool) -> None: """ Set whether to precompute function call path and line numbers for debugging. This is disabled by default, because it is (relatively) slow. Enabling this can give better error messages. Example: .. literalinclude:: /examples/ :start-after: [disable_function_call_precompute] :end-before: [disable_function_call_precompute] :dedent: """ global _function_call_precompute_enabled _function_call_precompute_enabled = enabled
[docs]def get_enable_function_call_precompute() -> bool: """ Get whether to precompute function call path and line numbers for debugging. """ return _function_call_precompute_enabled