Source code for gpflow.utilities.traversal

# Copyright 2017-2021 The GPflow Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import copy
import re
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
from packaging.version import Version
from tabulate import tabulate

from ..base import Parameter
from ..config import default_summary_fmt

__all__ = [

TraverseInput = TypeVar("TraverseInput", tf.Variable, tf.Module, Parameter)
State = Any
Path = str
Accumulator = Tuple[Path, State]
TraverseUpdateCallable = Callable[[TraverseInput, Path, State], State]

[docs]def multiple_assign(module: tf.Module, parameters: Mapping[str, tf.Tensor]): """ Multiple assign takes a dictionary with new values. Dictionary keys are paths to the `tf.Variable`s or `gpflow.Parameter` of the input module. :param module: `tf.Module`. :param parameters: a dictionary with keys of the form "" and new value tensors. """ reference_var_dict = parameter_dict(module) for path, value in parameters.items(): reference_var_dict[path].assign(value)
[docs]def read_values(module: tf.Module) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Returns a dictionary of numpy values of the module parameters (variables).""" return {k: v.numpy() for k, v in parameter_dict(module).items()}
[docs]def parameter_dict(module: tf.Module) -> Dict[str, Union[Parameter, tf.Variable]]: """ Returns a dictionary of parameters (variables) for the `tf.Module` component. Dictionary keys are relative paths to the attributes to which parameters (variables) assigned to. class SubModule(tf.Module): def __init__(self): self.parameter = gpflow.Parameter(1.0) self.variable = tf.Variable(1.0) class Module(tf.Module): def __init__(self): self.submodule = SubModule() m = Module() params = parameter_dict(m) # { # ".submodule.parameter": <parameter object>, # ".submodule.variable": <variable object> # } """ param_dict = leaf_components(module) return {f".{key.split('.', 1)[-1]}": value for key, value in param_dict.items()}
[docs]def tabulate_module_summary(module: tf.Module, tablefmt: Optional[str] = None) -> str: def get_transform(path, var): if hasattr(var, "transform") and var.transform is not None: if isinstance(var.transform, tfp.bijectors.Chain): return " + ".join(b.__class__.__name__ for b in var.transform.bijectors[::-1]) return var.transform.__class__.__name__ return None def get_prior(path, var): if hasattr(var, "prior") and var.prior is not None: return return None # list of (column_name: str, column_getter: Callable[[tf.Variable], str]) tuples: column_definition = [ ("name", lambda path, var: path), ("class", lambda path, var: var.__class__.__name__), ("transform", get_transform), ("prior", get_prior), ("trainable", lambda path, var: var.trainable), ("shape", lambda path, var: var.shape), ("dtype", lambda path, var:, ("value", lambda path, var: _str_tensor_value(var.numpy())), ] column_names, column_getters = zip(*column_definition) merged_leaf_components = _merge_leaf_components(leaf_components(module)) column_values = [ [getter(path, variable) for getter in column_getters] for path, variable in merged_leaf_components.items() ] return tabulate(column_values, headers=column_names, tablefmt=tablefmt)
[docs]def leaf_components(input: tf.Module): return _get_leaf_components(input)
def _merge_leaf_components( input: Dict[str, Union[tf.Variable, tf.Tensor, Parameter]] ) -> Dict[str, Union[tf.Variable, tf.Tensor, Parameter]]: ref_fn = lambda x: (x if isinstance(x, Parameter) else x.ref()) deref_fn = lambda x: (x if isinstance(x, Parameter) else x.deref()) input_values = set([ref_fn(value) for value in input.values()]) if len(input_values) == len(input): return input tmp_dict = dict() # Type: Dict[ref, str] for key, value in input.items(): ref = ref_fn(value) if ref in tmp_dict: tmp_dict[ref] = f"{tmp_dict[ref]}\n{key}" else: tmp_dict[ref] = key return {key: deref_fn(ref) for ref, key in tmp_dict.items()} def _get_leaf_components(input_module: tf.Module): """ Returns a list of tuples each corresponding to a gpflow.Parameter or tf.Variable in the each submodules of a given tf.Module. Each tuple consists of an specific Parameter (or Variable) and its relative path inside the module, which is constructed recursively by adding a prefix with the path to the current module. Designed to be used as a helper for the method 'print_summary'. :param input_module: tf.Module including keras.Model, keras.layers.Layer and gpflow.Module. :return: """ target_types = (Parameter, tf.Variable) input_name, state = input_module.__class__.__name__, dict() accumulator = (input_name, state) def update_state(parameter_or_variable, path, state): state[path] = parameter_or_variable return state state = traverse_module(input_module, accumulator, update_state, target_types) return state
[docs]def reset_cache_bijectors(input_module: tf.Module) -> tf.Module: """ Recursively finds tfp.bijectors.Bijector-s inside the components of the tf.Module using `traverse_component`. Resets the caches stored inside each tfp.bijectors.Bijector. :param input_module: tf.Module including keras.Model, keras.layers.Layer and gpflow.Module. :returns: same object but with all bijector caches reset """ if Version(tfp.__version__) >= Version("0.11.0"): if hasattr(tfp.bijectors.Identity()._cache, "clear"): # implementation in `master` branch (checked 29 Sep 2020) provides clear(): def _clear_bijector_cache(bijector: tfp.bijectors.Bijector): bijector._cache.clear() else: # pragma: no cover # previous versions (including the versions 0.11.0 and 0.11.1 released as of 29 Sep 2020) provide reset(), but its implementation is broken def _clear_bijector_cache(bijector: tfp.bijectors.Bijector): # workaround for broken implementation of bijector._cache.reset(): cache = bijector._cache cache_type = type(cache.forward) assert type(cache.inverse) == cache_type cache.__init__(cache.forward._func, cache.inverse._func, cache_type) else: # pragma: no cover # fallback for backwards-compatibility with tensorflow_probability < 0.11.0 def _clear_bijector_cache(bijector: tfp.bijectors.Bijector): # `_from_x` and `_from_y` are cache dictionaries for forward and inverse transformations bijector._from_x.clear() bijector._from_y.clear() target_types = (tfp.bijectors.Bijector,) accumulator = ("", None) def clear_bijector(bijector, _, state): if not isinstance(bijector, tfp.bijectors.Bijector): return # skip submodules that are not bijectors _clear_bijector_cache(bijector) if isinstance(bijector, tfp.bijectors.Chain): # recursively clear caches of sub-bijectors for m in bijector.submodules: if isinstance(m, tfp.bijectors.Bijector): _clear_bijector_cache(m) return state _ = traverse_module(input_module, accumulator, clear_bijector, target_types) return input_module
M = TypeVar("M", bound=tf.Module)
[docs]def deepcopy(input_module: M, memo: Optional[Dict[int, Any]] = None) -> M: """ Returns a deepcopy of the input tf.Module. To do that first resets the caches stored inside each tfp.bijectors.Bijector to allow the deepcopy of the tf.Module. :param input_module: tf.Module including keras.Model, keras.layers.Layer and gpflow.Module. :param memo: passed through to func:`copy.deepcopy` (see :return: Returns a deepcopy of an input object. """ return copy.deepcopy(reset_cache_bijectors(input_module), memo)
[docs]def freeze(input_module: M) -> M: """ Returns a deepcopy of the input tf.Module with constants instead of variables and parameters. :param input_module: tf.Module or gpflow.Module. :return: Returns a frozen deepcopy of an input object. """ objects_to_freeze = _get_leaf_components(input_module) memo_tensors = {id(v): tf.convert_to_tensor(v) for v in objects_to_freeze.values()} module_copy = deepcopy(input_module, memo_tensors) return module_copy
[docs]def traverse_module( m: TraverseInput, acc: Accumulator, update_cb: TraverseUpdateCallable, target_types: tuple ) -> Accumulator: """ Recursively traverses `m`, accumulating in `acc` a path and a state until it finds an object of type in `target_types` to apply `update_cb` to update the accumulator `acc` and/or the object. :param m: tf.Module, tf.Variable or gpflow.Parameter :param acc: Tuple of path and state :param update_cb: Callable :param target_types: target class types :return: """ path, state = acc new_state = state if isinstance(m, target_types): return update_cb(m, path, state) if isinstance(m, (list, tuple)): for term_idx, subterm in enumerate(m): new_acc = (f"{path}[{term_idx}]", new_state) new_state = traverse_module(subterm, new_acc, update_cb, target_types) elif isinstance(m, dict): for term_idx, subterm in m.items(): new_acc = (f"{path}['{term_idx}']", new_state) new_state = traverse_module(subterm, new_acc, update_cb, target_types) elif isinstance(m, tf.Module): for name, submodule in vars(m).items(): ignored_attributes = m._TF_MODULE_IGNORED_PROPERTIES # NOTE(awav): since tfp version 0.10.0, tfp.bijectors.Bijector instances have # `_parameters` dictionary with "self" references that cause # infinite recursive loop. if isinstance(m, tfp.bijectors.Bijector): ignored_attributes = ignored_attributes.union({"_parameters"}) if name in ignored_attributes: continue new_acc = (f"{path}.{name}", new_state) new_state = traverse_module(submodule, new_acc, update_cb, target_types) return new_state
@lru_cache() def _first_three_elements_regexp(): num_re = r"[+\-]?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?" pat_re = rf"^(?:(\[+)\s*)?({num_re})(?:\s+({num_re})(?:\s+({num_re}))?)?.*?" return re.compile(pat_re) def _str_tensor_value(value: np.ndarray): value_str = str(value) if value.size <= 3: return value_str max_chars = 500 value_str = value_str[:max_chars] regexp = _first_three_elements_regexp() match = regexp.match(value_str) assert match is not None brackets, elem1, elem2, elem3 = match.groups() out = f"{elem1}" if elem2 is not None: out = f"{out}{f', {elem2}'}" if elem3 is not None: out = f"{out}{f', {elem3}'}" if brackets is not None: out = f"{brackets}{out}..." return out
[docs]def select_dict_parameters_with_prior(model: tf.Module) -> Dict[str, Parameter]: """Collects parameters with prior into a dictionary.""" return { k: p for k, p in parameter_dict(model).items() if hasattr(p, "prior") and p.prior is not None }