Source code for gpflow.experimental.check_shapes.check_shapes

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Tool for checking the shapes of function using tf Tensors.
import inspect
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union, cast

import tensorflow as tf

from ..utils import experimental
from .argument_ref import RESULT_TOKEN
from .base_types import C
from .errors import ShapeMismatchError
from .parser import parse_and_rewrite_docstring, parse_argument_spec
from .specs import ParsedArgumentSpec

[docs]@experimental def check_shapes(*specs: str) -> Callable[[C], C]: """ Decorator that checks the shapes of tensor arguments. See: `check_shapes`_. :param spec_strs: Specification of arguments to check. See: `Argument specification`_. """ parsed_specs = tuple(parse_argument_spec(spec) for spec in specs) # We create four groups of specs: # * Groups for checking before and after the function is called. # * Specs for printing in error message and specs for actually checking. pre_print_specs = [spec for spec in parsed_specs if not spec.argument_ref.is_result] post_print_specs = parsed_specs pre_check_specs = pre_print_specs post_check_specs = [spec for spec in parsed_specs if spec.argument_ref.is_result] def _check_shapes(func: C) -> C: signature = inspect.signature(func) @wraps(func) def wrapped(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: try: bound_arguments = signature.bind(*args, **kwargs) except TypeError: # TypeError is raised if *args and **kwargs don't actually match the arguments of # `func`. In that case we just call `func` normally, which will also result in an # error, but an error with the error message the user is used to. func(*args, **kwargs) raise AssertionError( "The above line should fail so this line should never be reached." ) bound_arguments.apply_defaults() arg_map = bound_arguments.arguments context: Dict[str, Union[int, List[Optional[int]]]] = {} _assert_shapes(func, pre_print_specs, pre_check_specs, arg_map, context) result = func(*args, **kwargs) arg_map[RESULT_TOKEN] = result _assert_shapes(func, post_print_specs, post_check_specs, arg_map, context) return result wrapped.__check_shapes__ = _check_shapes # type: ignore wrapped.__doc__ = parse_and_rewrite_docstring(wrapped.__doc__, parsed_specs) return cast(C, wrapped) return _check_shapes
def _assert_shapes( func: C, print_specs: Sequence[ParsedArgumentSpec], check_specs: Sequence[ParsedArgumentSpec], arg_map: Mapping[str, Any], context: Dict[str, Union[int, List[Optional[int]]]], ) -> None: def _assert(condition: bool) -> None: if not condition: raise ShapeMismatchError(func, print_specs, arg_map) for arg_spec in check_specs: actual_shape = arg_spec.argument_ref.get(func, arg_map).shape if isinstance(actual_shape, tf.TensorShape) and actual_shape.rank is None: continue actual = list(actual_shape) actual_len = len(actual) actual_i = 0 expected = arg_spec.shape.dims expected_len = len(expected) n_variable_rank = sum(dim_spec.variable_rank for dim_spec in expected) assert n_variable_rank <= 1, "At most one variable-rank ParsedDimensionSpec allowed." if n_variable_rank == 0: _assert(expected_len == actual_len) else: _assert(expected_len - n_variable_rank <= actual_len) for dim_spec in expected: if dim_spec.variable_rank: assert ( dim_spec.variable_name is not None ), "All variable-rank ParsedDimensionSpec must be bound to a variable." expected_name = dim_spec.variable_name variable_rank_len = actual_len - (expected_len - n_variable_rank) actual_dims = actual[actual_i : actual_i + variable_rank_len] actual_i += variable_rank_len expected_dims = context.get(expected_name) if expected_dims is None: expected_dims = cast(List[Optional[int]], variable_rank_len * [None]) context[expected_name] = expected_dims assert isinstance(expected_dims, list) _assert(len(expected_dims) == len(actual_dims)) for i, actual_dim in enumerate(actual_dims): if actual_dim is None: continue if expected_dims[i] is None: expected_dims[i] = actual_dim else: _assert(expected_dims[i] == actual_dim) else: actual_dim = actual[actual_i] if actual_dim is not None: if dim_spec.constant is not None: _assert(dim_spec.constant == actual_dim) else: assert dim_spec.variable_name is not None expected_dim = context.setdefault(dim_spec.variable_name, actual_dim) _assert(expected_dim == actual_dim) actual_i += 1