

A library for annotating and checking the shapes of tensors.

This library is compatible with both TensorFlow and NumPy.

The main entry point is shape_checking_study.numpy_example_2.check_shapes().

For example:

    "features: [batch_shape..., n_features]",
    "weights: [n_features]",
    "return: [batch_shape...]",
def linear_model(
    features: tf.Tensor, weights: tf.Tensor
) -> tf.Tensor:

Check specification

The shapes to check are specified by the arguments to check_shapes(). Each argument is a string of the format:

<argument specifier>: <shape specifier>

Argument specification

The <argument specifier> must start with either the name of an argument to the decorated function, or the special name return. The value return refers to the value returned by the function.

The <argument specifier> can then be modified to refer to elements of the object in two ways:

  • Use .<name> to refer to attributes of the object.

  • Use [<index>] to refer to elements of a sequence. This is particularly useful if your function returns a tuple of values.

We do not support looking up values in a dict.

For example:

    "weights: ...",
    "data.training_data: ...",
    "return: ...",
    "return[0]: ...",
    "something[0][23]: ...",
def f(...):

Shape specification

Shapes are specified by the syntax [<dimension specifier 1>, <dimension specifer 2>, ..., <dimension specifier n>], where <dimension specifier i> is one of:

  • <integer>, to require that dimension to have that exact size.

  • <name>, to bind that dimension to a variable. Dimensions bound to the same variable must have the same size, though that size can be anything.

  • *<name> or <name>..., to bind any number of dimensions to a variable. Again, multiple uses of the same variable name must match the same dimension sizes.

A scalar shape is specified by [].

For example:

    "...: []",
    "...: [3, 4]",
    "...: [width, height]",
    "...: [n_samples, *batch]",
    "...: [batch..., 2]",
def f(...):

Class inheritance

If you have a class hiererchy, you probably want to ensure that derived classes handle tensors with the same shapes as the base classes. You can use the inherit_check_shapes() decorator to inherit shapes from overridden methods.


class SuperClass(ABC):
        ("a", ["batch...", 4]),
        ("return", ["batch...", 1]),
    def f(self, a: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:

class SubClass(SuperClass):
    def f(self, a: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:

Speed, and interactions with tf.function

If you want to wrap your function in both tf.function() and check_shapes() it is recommended you put the tf.function() outermost so that the shape checks are inside tf.function(). Shape checks are performed while tracing graphs, but not compiled into the actual graphs. This is considered a feature as that means that check_shapes() doesn’t impact the execution speed of compiled functions. However, it also means that tensor dimensions of dynamic size are not verified in compiled mode.

Documenting shapes

The check_shapes() decorator rewrites the docstring (.__doc__) of the decorated function to add information about shapes, in a format compatible with Sphinx. Only parameters that already have a :param …: section will be modified.

For example:

    "features: [batch_shape..., n_features]",
    "weights: [n_features]",
    "return: [batch_shape...]",
def linear_model(
    features: tf.Tensor, weights: tf.Tensor
) -> tf.Tensor:
    Computes a prediction from a linear model.
    :param features: Data to make predictions from.
    :param weights: Model weights.
    :returns: Model predictions.

will have .__doc__:

Computes a prediction from a linear model.

:param a:
    * **features** has shape [*batch_shape*..., *n_features*].

    Data to make predictions from.
:param b:
    * **weights** has shape [*n_features*].

    Model weights.
    * **return** has shape [*batch_shape*...].

    Model predictions.


class gpflow.experimental.check_shapes.ArgumentReferenceError(func, arg_map, arg_ref)[source]

Bases: Exception

Error raised if the argument to check the shape of could not be resolved.




Exception.with_traceback(tb) -- set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

  • func (TypeVar(C, bound= Callable[..., Any])) –

  • arg_map (Mapping[str, Any]) –

  • arg_ref (ArgumentRef) –


class gpflow.experimental.check_shapes.ShapeMismatchError(func, specs, arg_map)[source]

Bases: Exception

Error raised if a function is called with tensors of the wrong shape.




Exception.with_traceback(tb) -- set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

  • func (TypeVar(C, bound= Callable[..., Any])) –

  • specs (Sequence[ParsedArgumentSpec]) –

  • arg_map (Mapping[str, Any]) –



Decorator that checks the shapes of tensor arguments.

See: check_shapes.


spec_strs – Specification of arguments to check. See: Argument specification.


specs (str) –

Return type

Callable[[TypeVar(C, bound= Callable[..., Any])], TypeVar(C, bound= Callable[..., Any])]



Decorator that inherits the check_shapes() decoration from any overridden method in a super-class.

See: Class inheritance.


func (TypeVar(C, bound= Callable[..., Any])) –

Return type

TypeVar(C, bound= Callable[..., Any])

